Thank you for sharing. If vaccines don’t effect autism, why won’t the cdc do the tests?

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Hi Marianne Knight. I saw your comment on Paul Offits substack. I believe hes the same Offit that has claimed that babies can take 1000 or 10000 vaccines without any risk of anything? In my view hes a dangerous nutcase hiding behind a white coat, just like Fauci "I AM SCIENCE". Oh what horror. I was touched by your personal experience. Maybe these things can help: someone here in Denmark had good results with their autistic child, who improved remarkably just through diet change. He was considered to be genetically autistic. They wrote about their diet change in "Kernesund Familie", not out in englidh as far as I know. Then you might look for a pdf of a book by Kerri Rivera. She has good results too, and uses MMS/CDS and diet. Then look for silica water to remove aluminium. There might be some homeopathic remedies that could help too. I hope you can make good use of this info. - Light and Love -

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